I am curious about leaf blowers, which I never saw before coming to USA. The leaf blowers work great and save much more time than raking. On the campus where I used to live street sweepers started to gather the leaves of chinar trees with a broom and rake at 4 AM when most students were sleeping. If the street sweepers had the leaf blowers, they wouldn't have needed to get up early, which also would mean some of them would get laid off.
Another thing which surprises me is the viability of lawn grass. On the PSU campus the lawn grass keeps green throughout the winter. Though it had 2-3 inches snow precipitation on Dec 6, the lawn grass doesn't become yellow after the snow gets melted these days. The grass shows its capability of surviving this frigid weather. How is your lawn grass? Does it need special care to keep green?
Nice action shot of those leaves.
Today, take a ride on Santa's Railroad car sleigh.
lv2scpbk, At
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 5:31:00 AM
Beautiful shot!
Anonymous, At
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 2:03:00 AM
My grass isn't green in the winter normally....it turns brown. I don't use any chemical treatments or anything - so that maybe why.
We dont' have a leaf blower. We normally rake the leaves...sometimes we use our lawn mower and suck up the leaves with it -- depeding on how many there are.
Kerri Farley, At
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 7:13:00 AM
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