Lifestyle Station

Friday, August 31, 2007

Fresh Food-Farmer Market

This noon I went to the farmer market in downtown. It was crowded even at 2:00 PM.
So many beautiful flowers are being sold, so do fresh vegetables like zucchinis, squashes, rhubarbs and tomatos. This is also the right season for fruits like plums and apples.
I bought 3 cousa summer squashes-$1, a pint tomatoes-$2.5, 5 ears of sweet corn-$1.5 and two small cucumbers-$0.5.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


There are a variety of fishes in the Baldeagle State Park. Perch and crapie are the most common ones. Sometimes we catch sunfish and bass. What most excites me is to get carp and catfish, which are much bigger than other fishes.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Grass Lawn

This picture makes up for the last Saturday when I was supposed to upload one. It was taken when we were BBQ. The grass lawn looks different in shadow.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Moving Season

In August some of my friends are going to change their apartments. It seems this month is a moving season.

We could see UHAULs travelling on the street or parking in front of apartments. My neighbors have moved out, and we are expecting new neighbors. My husband's classmate has arrived and is ready to move in his apartment this afternoon.

International students are coming before the beginning of semester. We see more new faces in a bus, on campus and in the supermarket.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

BBQ Comparison

The most delicious BBQ dish is roasted marinated beef with hot pepper sauce and lettuce. This combination tastes great.

Last year we went to Spring Creek Park for BBQ, which started at 11 AM and ended at 7 PM. Between lunch and dinner we played tennis, basket ball, sand volleyball and frisbee. It was a wonderful memory.

This afternoon we are going to have BBQ again in that park. The difference is that some friends are about to leave State College. One couple will go to Philadelphia; another couple will go to New York; and one will go back to China.

Feel a little bit of upset. I would miss these friends, miss the BBQ, and miss delecious beef.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


On today's class one classmate presented her research paper about Confucian. She attempts to interpret the Confucian with western children's books. I felt so surprised and was wondering how she could combine the east culture-the Confucian, with the west culture.

One book she mentioned is "Anne Hutchinson's Way" written by Jeannien Arkins. In this book Anne Hutchinson preaches in a different way from the minister of church. Even though she is attacked and charged with the crime of disturbing the peace of the colony, she refuses to give up her belief.

From the Confucian's point of view, she is great and a superior "woman". She has her own personality and perseveres in her right thought. In my childhood I read lots of similar stories from Chinese and West Countries.

One of them is about Copernicus and his model: sun-centered solar system. Have you read similar stories about "Superior man"?